Thursday, April 14, 2011


Otis, why don't you love me?  Why doesn't anyone love me?  Why will no one take my good love?  I see it all the time on Facebook.  So many good women who just want to love a man,  and what does a man want?  Why of all the women in this world does that undeserving bitch named Amber get a man like Otis.  A rare black man, and I'm not kidding, who was willing to  commit to a woman, put a ring on her finger.  And marry her.  And raise her four kids even before they had their own, together,  Was it her pussy, calling him.  I always have felt so inadequate with that---I guess my pussy can't call like that.  yes, I have been married for thirty years, but it wasn't my pussy calling Joe back.  It was family, the sense of family---the kids.  But with Otis and Amber, or Otis for Amber, it is more than this, AND I AM SO FUCKING JEALOUS.  She isn't even  a pretty woman,  She is huge. Fat.  But then I guess he likes fat women because I was fat when he came up to me and gave me his sexy eyes. And he did do that.  Gave me languid, sexual looks.  And me so hungry.  And him, so beautiful.

Fuck you, asshole.  Fuck you for doing that to me.  Fuck you. My dogs are dead and there is no Mollie to jump up on the table and steal the cat's food or lick out the tuna can,.  Gracie's little bed is empty and cold.  I've got no dogs and can't have babies and the doctor wants to give me Femara and dry up my pussy even more and make my hair fall out and I thought I dodged that bullet by not having to have chemo.  And Otis is waiting for his fucking baby to be born, his namesake, his Nathan.  And he is going to look at Amber like she is the fucking Madonna, all because the bitch got pregnant, with her seventh child, and she is barely thirty.  Bitch I could have had a hundred kids.  I could have had eight kids.  But I wanted to take care of the ones I had,  To pay for things with my own money, not governmenet money.  Bitch I'm paying for your fucking kids.  You get food stamps, and bitch, you couldn't even keep a box of cereal on the shelves for your kids.  The twins woke up and said, Daddy, we're hungry, and there wasn't shit on the shelves to feed them, but there were steaks in the freezer, and you and Otis spent thirty bucks on crab legs and eat out every fucking day,  So I took your man to Kroger and bought $130 worth of groceries and got forty bucks cash back and gave it to him,  He probably then took you to get your toenails done, or Adidas shorts for jasmine, or more lottery tickets.  You all have a 64 inch big screen that you paid two hundred dollars for, and what Chili's or Applebee's did the thugs steal that from, so that you could buy it cheap, so that Applebee's could raise their prices, to cover the cost of stolen goods, so that you could sit on your fat ass and watch BET,  And guess what, your old man has me so obsessed with everything black that I now prefer BET to TBS, I know what's going on on The Game, and Girlfriends, and Meet the Browns. And I just watched for the first time, BabyGirl, and all I could think of was Otis and Amber.  What does the male lead say right off in the very beginning---I make pretty babies. And what did Otis sat to me---we make calm, peaceful babies. 
Good for you mothafuckas good for you, for making eight fucking peaceful babies.  Jasmine is bipolar and smokes weed, has an ankle monitor on.  Shes fifteen, has been to jail a few times, one of them was when Jordyn called the cops on her for beating her up.  Jordyn is fourteen,  She has been suspended from school several times, the last one was whenshe was fightying a hater hoe and a teacher intervened and she bit the teacher,  DJ (Dikim) was caught throwing bricks over the Overpass onto I-85.  Blesshawn, Otis' first, lives with his mom in Riverdale, and Amber doesnt allow Otis to see him much, and Otis never has any money to give to the baby mama.  One time she needed forty dollars so i met her and gave her forty dollars, my own money.  Otis offered to  pay me back, but I said forget it, because I know money is tight,  But he got a pedicure with amber and brought in thirty dollars worth of crab legs, though he only had to pay two dollars in actual cold cash, the rest was paid for with food stamps.  Jaythan is a sweet little boy and Otis is the only dad he has ever known, but Jaythan is starting to imitate big bro, DJ, cutting up in school, and so Otis must discipline him with the belt.  Jordyn, by the way, got a bad beat down the other day, for having a hickey on her neck and don't know what else,  but Amber doesn't want her to repeat the cycle, so beating the urge to have sex out of her must be the only way to prevent Jordyn from getting pregnant, right?  I got news for her, Jordyn ain't gonna stop having sex now,  You get a taste of it, you want it.  But I guess there is no other way to prevent her from getting pregnant, or having sex, right?  Maybe if Amber stayed her ass at home, or had another adult come in during the times she had to leave, like, for instance, when she's in the hospital cranking out another kid, which is when Jordyn got the hickey, maybe options like that would keep her daughter from being a teenn mother, but you can bet your ass a beatdown with an extensiob cord ain't gonna stop Jordyn,  the twins, oh my god, the twins.  the sweetest little girls I ever met, but left, like the others, to entertain themselves for hours on end while daddy and mommy sleep, or fuck, do both, but God forbid Amber couldget her lazy ass up and take care of them while Otis tries to sleep. So once again, beat them into submission so that they learn to be quiet while the parents sleep (even though Amber has all night to sleep, if she only would)--make them be quiet, teach them how to do things all quiet and sneaky-like. Show them that they are not worth the attention, at age four, or ever.

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